ハーブティーブレンダー厳選 贈り物におすすめセレクト


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普段なかなか伝えられない「ありがとう」や「がんばれ!」「おつかれさま」の言葉や想いをハーブティ ーに込めて友人・仲間・ご家族・大切な人にプレゼントしてみませんか? 受け取った方は、あなたの優しさに包まれきっと笑顔になることでしょう♡

136 頑張る友人の手助けがしたい
169 いたわる気持ちを伝えたい
170 ハーブティーで感謝を伝えたい

I would like to be notified of restocking

Age verification

When it is restocked, we will notify you to the registered e-mail address.

Mail Address

Please allow the domains 「thebase.in」&「lunarbow.net」so that you can receive our e-mail

I would like to be notified of restocking

Notice of restocking has been accepted.

We've sent an e-mail to you.
If you cannot find the mail, please check your spam folder.
When receiving a notification, you may not be able to receive it due to reasons such as the mail server capacity being exceeded. Please confirm it.

Please allow the domains 「thebase.in」&「lunarbow.net」so that you can receive our e-mail

*Tax included.

*Shipping fee is not included.More information

Shipping method / fee

The shipping fee for this item varies by the shipping method. Customers can choose the shipping method at time of purchase.
Japan domestic shipping fees for purchases over ¥12,000 will be free.

  • Letter-Pack

    Your delivery status can be checked online.

    Shipping Fees are the same all over country inside Japan ¥600
  • クロネコヤマト宅急便コンパクト

    Shipping Fees are the same all over country inside Japan ¥570

*Japan domestic shipping fees for purchases over ¥12,000 will be free.
